
Want to become an Entrepreneur, here are some important skills to nurture . 

Becoming an entrepreneur and your own boss has become one of the most sought-after career paths of the 21st century. In as much as it is not a field for the weak. Many are tired of working jobs that leave them underpaid, disrespected, and stressed leading to depression and unfulfilling. Many will love to try something new. While some entrepreneurs claim they were destined to start a business, it has never been easier for anyone to learn the entrepreneurial skills needed to build a successful company. For this reason, i believe no one is a master of entrepreneurship as it leads almost everyone through different paths with a fez with common traits amongst all . Needless to say,  here are five effective ways to develop the entrepreneurial skills that  will truly make you different:

1. Take an unconventional route.  

“Creativity is the root of entrepreneurship.” -- Karndee Leopairote, Thammasat University.  

Creativity involves seeing things from a unique perspective and finding solutions where gaps exist. If you long to cut a banana in a different dimension develop a way to do it. To enhance your creativity, make it a point to explore new experiences. Engage in activities others might avoid and enjoy it. I have never been one to follow the usual or normal routes taken by most people. Read unusual books, watch films in different languages, travel to unexpected places, and engage with people outside your usual social circle.  

"The Big Short" is a movie that illustrates how several enterprising entrepreneurs and investors profited from the 2008 financial crisis by challenging the status quo. This is a must-watch for aspiring entrepreneurs

2. Embrace challenges.  

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” -- Albert Einstein.  

Every successful entrepreneur has honed their perseverance and tenacity. Aside from having confidence in yourself and the things you plan to do as an entrepreneur, know that the entrepreneurial journey is full of obstacles, and it takes courage to push forward when others doubt your abilities. To cultivate perseverance, set a meaningful goal or challenge and commit to seeing it through without allowing yourself the option to quit. Alternatively, set a deadline to keep you focused. For instance, if your goal is to improve your blog, commit to writing 1,000 words daily for a year.  To better help understand, break larger goals into smaller, more manageable steps to help you stay motivated.  In your journal do the following

3. Take control of your finances.  

A solid grasp of basic financial principles is crucial for running a business. No, you do not need to know it all especially when you are not an accountant by study or profession; Nowadays, there are simple applications that will help you take on this task smoothly with the basic account knowledge. While you don't need to be an accountant, you should at least understand the fundamentals of cash flow, assets, and profit and loss. Begin by learning how to handle your own taxes, budget, and investments.

4. Hone your communication skills.  

Top entrepreneurs know how to express their passion and vision effectively, both in person and online. To improve your public speaking abilities, consider joining a Toastmasters group, volunteering to speak at workplace events, or even emceeing a friend’s wedding. To enhance your online communication, stay active on social media, start a blog, create a Facebook group, or launch a newsletter on a topic you love. The more you put yourself out there, the quicker your communication skills will develop. Practice communication skills and never be away from communicating properly, because in here lies your power to succeed. Remember avoiding communication or concealing information is a dangerous route to failure.

5. Practice delaying gratification.  

No doubt that I sometimes like Elon Musk, founder of Tesla, SolarCity, and SpaceX, he once challenged himself to live on just $1 a day to test his resolve for the entrepreneurial life.  Well, someone must have told him, it's not an easy route. Entrepreneurs must grow accustomed to numerous failures and minimal rewards before achieving that much-needed success. To build your ability to delay gratification, start with small steps, don't jump into it, and take your time(as much as required). Pass on that extra donut, keep your old car instead of taking on debt for a new one, share apartments instead of renting a big one or buying one, and wake up at 5 a.m. on weekends to work on your business idea instead of sleeping in, if you can. 

Remember, in entrepreneurship, rushing to achieve all in a minimal time is more likely to lead to failure. 

Take time, be open to learning, remain Zen through the process, take mental, physical, spiritual, and otherwise if you need to (I recommend this, make it a habit), but above all always remember to breathe. 

Author: Shirley Aipoh